• 纽扣战争
  • 纽扣战争

    雅克·迪菲约 / 伊薇特·埃蒂耶旺 / 米歇尔·加拉布吕
    2022-07-27 09:54:08

只有在清晰了解状况之后,知道自己需要求救还是自救,需要的是电话还是梯子,还是一根更长的绳子,亦或者是一把装了信号弹的手枪……毕竟机会只有一次,而且它的CD时间足足有两周,也就是半个月。 In this gentle anti-war comedy, a class of French schoolboys divides into two factions who begin to battle each other, with the victors claiming the buttons off the clothes of the vanquished. One day, some of the boys pull a strategic coup by running into battle naked, therefore leaving their enemies nothing to steal. However, after this stunning victory, one of their number tu...


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