• 车中人
  • 车中人

    阿利斯·塞勒维塔利斯,马基斯·帕帕季米特里乌,Eleftherios Matthaios
    2024-01-28 06:27:39

  A Man lives in his car. He is 40 years old and although he does not have a lot of free time, when he does, he chooses to spend it with his family. He meets his wife and two children at a specified day and time in car parking lots. His job is to locate and bring the finest honey to a 50-year old man. A New Driver shows up and the Man gets fired. The Man’s life changes and he finds it absurd that no one trusts him anymore.虽然从一开始就没有对队友抱有过什么期望,但这么嚷嚷着要散伙儿,就很让人火大。但他有什么办法呢?怀疑的种子一旦播下,想要拔出来就不容易了。


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