• 在凶手的怀抱里
  • 在凶手的怀抱里

    2020-10-25 06:36:22

诸葛绮妍闻言,俏美的脸颊微微颤了一颤,然后不动声色的和风浅薇离远了一些。Victor (William Levy) is one of the worlds most handsome men, but he has a deep secret - he is a cold blooded assassin. Smooth talking and seductive, Victor was raised to do one thing only, which is to kill for money. When he is sent to the home of a brutal drug lord to collect payment for his most recent hit, he encounters the beautiful qiwan.cc Sarai (Alicia Sanz), who has been forced to spend the last 9 years of her life with the drug lord. After Victor leaves the compound, Sarai seizes her chance at freedom by hiding out in Victors car. But things dont go as planned and instead of being transported back to her home, she finds herself free from one dangerous man only to be caught in the clutches of another. While on the run from the vengeful drug lord and his brutal henchmen, Victors conscience catches up with him as he risks all that he stood for to protect his captive. In the end, the power Sarai unknowingly holds over Victor and their undeniable attraction may be what places her right in the arms of a killer.


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