• 尖兵实录第一季
  • 尖兵实录第一季

    2021-04-08 06:56:27

本片向观众们介绍了精英军校是如何选拔和锻炼完成各种特殊任务的军人的。随后,那一颗心眼直接从苏忘尘的心脏之中跳了出来,崩裂自斩,飞离而出。   SURVIVING THE CUT follows the best of the best the US military has to offer as they fight for special operations most elite status. From the producers of Discovery Channels hit special TWO WEEKS IN HELL, each episode goes to hell and back as select candidates are pushed to the brink to weed out the weak. This series reveals how elite schools select and shape human weapons to be used in the most classified military operations in the world. While the tactics and technology provide an impressive backdrop, the focus is on the candidates constant struggle to overcome relentless psychological and physical obstacles.   Source: The Discovery Channel


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