• 伊拉克战争
  • 伊拉克战争

    阿历克斯·杰宁斯,Massoud Barzani,迪克·切尼
    2020-01-06 23:53:19

The people at the top of the CIA and Saddam's foreign minister describe just how the US and Britain got it so wrong about Saddam's weapons of mass destruction before the invasion.Tony Blair recounts how he flew to President Bush's private retreat at Camp David to go head to head with Vice President Dick Cheney. Colin Powell explains how he came to make his disastrous presentation to the United Nations. Foreign Secretary Jack Straw describes how he - and even President Bush himself - tried to persuade Tony Blair that to join in the invasion was political suicide.阙德说完,华紫嫣虽觉得这逻辑不对,但被他这么一引导,华紫嫣却也隐约认为,是这么个理儿。


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